Our Services


Full inspection

Thorough and detailed inspections of all exterior and interior surfaces and systems with a walk-through at the end, explaining the marginal and defective issues. All accessible areas including roofs, crawl spaces, and attics will be inspected. An easy-to-read written and picture report will be emailed to you later that evening. WA law requires a full written report for any home under contract - WAC 308-408C-060. All homes are Flir thermal scanned at no additional cost.

Sewer Scope

A full video of the entire sewer line with deficiencies, line materials, and repairs needed are noted in the report. We inspect the flow of water going out and a second scan coming back to determine any low spots as well as defeciencies. Most sewer scope companies only do one direction.

We are fully certified through Internachi for sewer scopes. WA State does not require certification to perform sewer scopes - work with a certified professional.

Pre-inspection Consultation

All aspects of the home are inspected as if this were a full inspection, however, you shadow me and take pictures and notes instead of me supplying you with a report. This is often used by clients before bidding on a new property in a competitive multiple-offer market. Pre-inspection consultations are not available for homes under contract or for sellers per WA law. If you will not be attending the inspection in full then a written report is required. All homes are Flir thermal scanned at no additional cost.

If you chose a full inspection after a pre-inspection, the pre-inspection fee is applied toward the price of the full inspection.

Additional Services Available

  • Full-Home Complete Mold Inspection

    We are an IAC2- certified mold inspection company, using lab-grade equipment when inspecting the home. This type of inspection includes a thorough search for any moisture intrusion in the home that can cause mold to grow. Air samples of the outdoor and indoor areas are also taken to help determine if there is excessive mold present in any areas not readily accessible. If mold is visually present, we take samples and send to a lab for further evaluation. We also take readings of locations with signs of moisture, relative humidity readings, and air temperature readings to further evaluate the overall condition of the home. A full thermal scan is also performed to help diagnose any areas of concern that are not visible to the naked eye.

  • Radon Testing

    What is Radon Gas?

    Radon is an invisible and odorless radioactive gas which occurs naturally from decaying uranium underneath the earth’s surface. Though you cannot see, smell, or taste radon, its presence may be a problem in your home or office. Radon gas rises through the soil and seeps through cracks, holes, and drain pipes in the foundation or basement of your home and office. Radon gas can be found all throughout the United States, and according to the EPA, 1 out of every 15 homes in the United States has high levels of radon gas.

    We are an IAC2-certified company, using lab-grade equipment and professional-grade digital equipment when testing for radon. All radon testing is sent on a rush-order for lab confirmation and digital testing is available immediately. A minimum of 48 hours is required for all lab and digital testing of radon.

  • Asbestos Testing

    What is Asbestos?

    Asbestos is a mineral fiber that occurs in rock and soil. Asbestos can be found in insulation, popcorn ceilings, roofing, siding, pipe insulation, heating ductwork, oil furnaces, vinyl flooring, and other areas. Exposure to asbestos can increase your risk of developing lung disease in forms of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Exposure is typically in the form of asbestos fibers being released into the air from disturbance during remodeling, home maintenance, and demolition work. There was a ban in 1989 on the use of this material in many different products.

    We are an IAC2-certified company, using lab-grade testing equipment not available to the general public to collect samples and send them to a lab to be analyzed.

  • Full Air Quality Testing

    What is air quality testing?

    We use lab-grade testing equipment to collect samples that test the air for allergens from things like dogs, cats, cockroaches, dust mites, rats, fungi, and other air pollutants. The air quality samples are collected and sent to a lab for further evaluation.

  • Lead-Based Paint Testing

    What is Lead-Based Paint?

    Lead is a naturally-occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals, causing health effects. Lead paint is found in all areas of the home and is usually not a problem. Paint that is chipping, peeling, cracking, damp, or damaged is a hazard and needs immediate attention. If your home was built before 1978, it is more likely to have lead-based paint; during that year, the federal government banned consumer use of lead-based paint. Washington State census data shows 1.56 million homes in Washington state were built prior to the banning in 1978 and are more likely to contain lead-based paint.

    We provide an immediate, initial test to help determine if lead paint is found in the home and additionally use lab-grade collection equipment to collect samples to be analyzed. Lab results are more thorough and provide the most accurate information about lead found in the home.

  • New Homeowner Classes

    Owning a new home is exciting! However, we understand it can also be stressful. Oaktree is dedicated to being a solutions-oriented and educational inspection company. We now offer in-person training of your new home so you can better understand its workings and how to react in case of an emergency. One of our certified inspectors will go through the home top to bottom and explain how to find and use things like shut-off switches and water main emergency valves, lighting pilot lights, changing filters, yearly maintenance tips, resetting GFCI outlets and how they are wired together, clearing clogged drains, and much more. Every home is different so each training is customized specifically for your home and location.

Verbal pre-inspection consultation: $100 off inspection price

10% discount for veterans

Each Oaktree inspector is properly equipped with the following technology/tools to ensure your home is thoroughly scrutinized:

Flir Thermal Imaging Camera | Flir Moisture Meter - Included
DJI Pro Drone (for difficult rooftop inspections) - Included
Ridgid Seesnake Sewer Scope Equipment - Additional Fee
Spectora Reporting Software - Included